These white threes covered in frost were definitely among the things that I took for granted but realized were absolutely unique and stunning after living away from home.
Scallop is one of the seafood that I would not eat raw in anywhere but around my hometown. There is one local fish shop in Tokoro Town that I highly recommend if you want to try really fresh scallop.
Did you get excited to find sea glass on beaches in your childhood? You can enjoy that feeling again with "Jewelry Ice" in Toyokoro Town, located on the Southern coastline of Eastern Hokkaido.
One of the best things about living in Hokkaido is that you can get fresh seafood at any local supermarkets. My family's favorite is salmon roe, which comes into season from September to November.
Despite growing up in a snowy region, last year I finally tried fat biking on the snow for the first time! I totally loved cycling on the snow feeling the chilly air under such clear sky.